DEADLINE: June 31st ,2024
We strongly encourage authors to consider poster presentations because poster sessions will be an integral part of the program. Papers submitted for “oral presentation only” may not be accepted as oral presentations due to the limited number of available time slots. English is strongly encouraged, but one other official language (Swahili) is accepted.
PowerPoint Presentations/Slides are strongly encouraged in English for everyone to follow through.
Each oral presenter shall be entitled to not more than 20 minutes comprised of 15 minutes for a presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions. Authors of studies involving proprietary products or formulations should present this information in workshops or the trade show. Oral presentations can only use PowerPoint. Overhead projectors, slides and video players will not be available or allowed.
All presenters are required to pay their own registration, accommodation and travel expenses. EARAC-2024 cannot subsidize registration fees, travel or hotel costs.